8 Mistakes That We Wish Guys Would Stop Making!
No one is perfect. We all commit mistakes and as they say “mistakes are a part of learning”, we learn from them. We girls get mature at an early age but boys take their time to get there and make way many mistakes in a relationship. Here are some mistakes we wish our guy would stop making.
- Forgetting our birthday
This is the worst, when we ask them about our birthday and they start making wide guess. It infuriates us to the core. Do we forget anything about them? No!! How could they do this? How could they just not remember our birthday?
- Talking about Ex
We hate it when they keep on talking and blabbering about their ex. If we ask you about them, only then you should tell us regarding them. The way you dislike the idea of us talking about our ex, the same way we do not like this.
- Ignoring us
When you are so busy with your work, friends and family that you have no time for us. It feels as if we do not exist in your life. We stand somewhere in the last in your priority list.
- Being over-possessive
Little jealousy is cute. It shows your love and concern for us but then getting too possessive and controlling is the idea we hate. It feels someone is taking our freedom away and we are just helpless about it.
- Being too vague
We hate your vague reactions to our serious issues. The time we are sharing our emotional side, we want you to be attentive and supportive instead of being too vague with your replies.
- Hiding their emotions
The way we open ourselves to you, we want you to do the same. We want to know your emotions, what makes you feel bad or good? and every little emotion of yours. We value your emotions the same as we do ours.
- Not reverting to texts
We hate it when we text you and you do not answer back for ages. It kills us within, seeing you online yet not getting a single reply from you. We only want your attention and when we do not get it, it hurts us.
- Revealing too much of details to their friends
We do not like our intimate, private details to be a tell-all topic. We want it to be between us only. We do not share the details with our best friend as well. Stop yelling about it to your friends.
Source : tumblr, Giphy
Skadoosh Guys!