
What Type Of Career Suits You According to Your Zodiac!

By- Shreya Sharma

Our career not only depends upon our study structure but also depends upon the vibes we get from our zodiac. If you are entering into professional life or are looking for a job change, then you must consider your zodiac call as well. Here are the types of career that suits you according to your sun sign.

  1. Aries

Aries are strong, vibrant, enthusiastic and competitive. They thrive in commission based jobs.

Best jobs: Entrepreneur, soldier, rescue worker; work well in the fields of government and politics, television, and recreation.

  1. Taurus

Taurus enjoys stability the most. They will work very hard for certain guarantees—good benefits, vacation time, salary, job security.

Best jobs: Accountant, educator, engineer, lawyer, designer, landscaper, chef, public speaker and receptionist.

  1. Gemini

Gemini are twins, which means you have to engage two people, so they need to have a lot going on and like fast-paced, pressured environments. They won’t survive long doing tedious or repetitive work

Best jobs: Stockbroker, switchboard operator, technical support, teacher, architect, machine operator, rescue worker, PR and publicity and travel related jobs.

  1. Cancer

Cancer is the mother of the zodiac, so these sensitive types do well in jobs that require nurturing or taking care of things. They can handle responsibility with ease.

Best jobs: Gardener, social worker, childcare, human resources, lawyer, teacher, CEO, soldier.

  1. Leo

Leo is fearless, inspiring, and independent. They work best when they are in the spotlight and love jobs that bring status and power.

Best jobs: CEO, performer, tour guide, real estate agent, interior decorator, fashion designer, government, salesperson.

  1. Virgo

Virgos are known for their perfection and do very well in detail-oriented professions. They are also easy to get along with as they are generally very cheerful. Many Virgos have a knack for languages.

Best jobs: Editor/writer, teacher, critic, technician, translator, detective, statistician.

  1. Libra

They are good-looking and charming, gracious and entertaining. Their cooperative nature makes them excellent ambassadors and team leaders.

Best jobs: Diplomat, dancer, salesperson, host, negotiator, travel agent, supervisor.

  1. Scorpio

Scorpios are able to block out distractions, concentrate, and focus. They are curious and are often drawn to mysteries. They are also very intuitive.

Best jobs: Detective, lawyer, educator, scientist, surgeon, physicist.

  1. Sagittarius

Sagittarians are ethical, full of energy, and rather philosophical. They are excellent decision-makers and make fair and easy-going bosses. They will not be tied down or bothered with the little details. Routine kills their spirit.

Best jobs: Minister, animal trainer, editor, public relations, coach, and anything having to do with travel.

  1. Capricorn

Capricorns are very ambitious and need challenges to be happy. They are determined and persistent. Most are responsible and conscientious; many enjoy power.

Best jobs: Manager, administrator, editor, banker, IT, and anything science-related.

  1. Aquarius

They love to explore avant-garde ideas and have a curious and adventurous nature. If you need a fresh approach, an Aquarius will not let you down.

Best jobs: Scientist, inventor, organic farmer, designer, musician, aviator.

  1. Pisces

They are creative and passionate. They excel in the traditional arts (music, dance, photography). Pisceans are also highly intuitive. Many astrologers and tarot practitioners are Pisces. Their intuition also helps in fields that require compassion.

Best jobs: Artist, nurse, physical therapist, philanthropist, veterinarian, psychologist.

Source : tumblr, giphy

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