
5 Embarrassing Things That Happens With Every Girls’ Body!

By- Shreya Sharma

When puberty strikes, you are not a kid anymore; you are not even an adult. You lie somewhere in between being a kid and an adult. Your body starts to change and so are you commanded to change a little bit. These changes mat stress you out as you may worry that you are not getting breasts as soon as others or your period stories. It is normal, you can survive with it. Here are embarrassing things that happens with every girl’s body.

  1. Period

Be it the first time period or every time you get it, those cramps do not let us live. We are stressed out in advance when our date is around and more over and the embarrassment of stains. And what if your periods play a trick; you are passed out for few seconds. You have to carry a sanitary napkin with you always.

  1. Breasts

Those two flesh balls seem to be the center of attraction. Having them loosely hanging on our body is another stress and embarrassment. We have to wear bras, its size keeps on changing; whether we put weight or lose weight, after pregnancy, with age etc. uff!!

  1. Facial and body hair

The hair starts growing at places we never ever thought hair could grow and then starts those shaving, waxing, hair removal cream stories and mini embarrassments too.

  1. Acne

Acne is the stories of pimples, white heads, black heads and all the destruction that happens on your face and body. And popping them is another horror story. These are so massive and painful but then you have to deal with it.

  1. Body odor

You get weird smells from your body and you wonder if others too can smell them. And that awful period smells that make us cringe at the thought of people being close to us or that before period change in body odor.

Source – Tumblr, Giphy

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