
Screw Relationship Goals! – 8 Life Goals I Want To Achieve!

By- Shreya Sharma

We all drool over those with #relationshipgoals but is this the only thing that we want from our life? Do we not have anything other to think apart from love? No wonder love is one wonderful feeling but it will happen and things will fall into place when the time will be right. Till then we can achieve so much. Here are the life goals we should achieve.

  1. To be happy

Our happiness is in our control, so have a goal to be happy to extreme. Do what makes you happy without wondering what will be the consequences. Have positive vibes and you will achieve it all.

  1. Career

Our aim should be to secure one of those jobs which we love or is our passion. We should not just go to office, sit there, complete the task and be back. We should learn and make a difference.

  1. Time to travel

It is up to you to travel alone or with family or friends. But before having a family travel to each and every place you have ever dreamt of. Learn new cultures, try exotic food and walk around places.

  1. Keep your family happy

Do everything and every inch for your family. Make them happy, be there support and love them forever. If they will be happy, you will be happy too.

  1. A steady paycheck

Rather than struggling for money, it is better to have a steady paycheck. It is enough to support you, do whatever you want and live a comfortable life.

  1. Have good friends

It is better to invest yourself to the friends who accept you, value you, love you and always have your back instead of wasting your time on those who do not make you better.

  1. Take control on health

Take care of yourself. Make exercise, nutrition, smart choices a part of your daily routine because this will help you live your life to the fullest.

  1. An apartment with a view


Even if it is on a year rent, say or buy an apartment with a balcony having an awesome view so that you can sit there and find serenity even if your life is being hard on you.

Source – Giphy, Tumblr

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