6 Things Happen To Your Boobs As You Age!
By- Shreya Sharma
We all have grown from a flat chested teenage girl into a girl with boobs as the puberty strike. Our boobs are different at different stages of our life and even at different situations and conditions. Our breasts become fuller and heavy when we are pregnant. We know change is a part of life and these changes can also be seen through our boobs because sometimes we are flat then we are full and then it is sagging. Our breast has a journey of their own. Here are 6 things happen to your boobs as you age.
- They become less dense
As the women grows older, her breasts tissues become less dense. The change in density can be noticed after pregnancy; with subsequent pregnancy the breast tissue density may lessen. The higher the density, the greater the risk of breast cancer.
- They have various kinds of lumps and bumps
Teen and older women may notice lumps or bumps in their breast here or there and mostly it is normal. These fibroids are sensitive to touch, particularly around that time of month. These are either hereditary or due to too much intake of caffeine. If you are above 30 and notice such lumps you should better go to your doctor to get it checked.
- Sagging
As we grow, our skin becomes less elastic and our skin stretches. It could also be because of hormonal changes or aggressive exercising regime or breast feeding.
- Soft to softer
Near the time of menopause, the mammillary glands began to shrink and the body begins to store fat in places and this creates softer breasts which appear less full. Younger women may also feel their breasts to soften at times due to hormonal changes or even weight gain can also cause softness.
- The shape keeps on changing
Lifestyle, the activities we do and environmental factors can change the shape of our breasts. Exercising on your chest area can provide a little boost to the area overall. Some women gain weight slow due to slow metabolism, their breast may appear large. Dehydration and the position in which women sleep can also change the shape of a women’s breasts.
- They get bigger or smaller
With age, breasts change size as well. A woman’s breasts do not grow fully until she reaches her mid-20s. When pregnant, the breasts size increase and after birth, her breasts may never return to pre-pregnancy stage even if she breastfeeds or not. With the gain in weight, breast size me also increase and with the loss in weight, the breasts size me decrease.