20 Things You Should NEVER Let Your Boyfriend Do!
By- Shreya Sharma
Who does not want a Prince charming in their life? I guess no one. We all think of how our man should love us and care for us and be there with us no matter what. We live in a fantasy parallel world. We seek for our Mr. Right which is actually one tough task and we plan to settle down for at least Mr. Close Enough. A little bit of compromise and lowering down our expectations is all that we do when it comes to settling down. We should know the truth that our man if loves us truly is willing to adjust and adapt a few things if explained them clearly. We need not to drop the hints to them to do little things. We can communicate it with them and sure if they feel comfortable, they will do that. Here are 20 things you should NEVER let your boyfriend do.
- Cheat!
This should never be a thing allowed. Whatever be the reason he explains, there is sure no good reason to it and even if you honestly forgive him, think about if he would have done the same to you had you been in his place? He will never respect you or forgive you for that.
- Make excuses
Excuses are just a way to get out of trouble. Even you know a valid reason for a thing is quite obvious but not excuses.
- Break promises
They say promises are meant to be broken!! That is mere excuse. If your man says he is going to do something, he should at least put in his efforts to make it happen.
- Talk about how hot other women are
You cannot stop a man’s eye from wandering but if he is of those who comments when a pretty girl walks by, he is either an ass or he has some other plans.
- Scan your phone
Sure he is your boyfriend but no one has the right to invade your privacy without you allowing.
- Flirt with other girls
If he does not allow you to flirt with other guys or if you do not feel good about him flirting with others, ask him to stop. And this also means that even you do not flirt if he is not allowed to!
- Make you feel guilty
If you have other plans and he makes you feel guilty by showing that he was planning something or he will be alone, make him stop doing that straight.
- Does not support you
He should be your support and should stand by you. He should be willing to stop all those who badmouth you or dis-honor you.
- Get jealous every now and then
If he gets jealous for no reason, you need to talk with him about it. If he is constantly jealous and worried if you are out thinking you might ditch, he just does not trust you.
- Breakup threats
If after or in between every argument, he threatens you to call it a quit, you should better call it a quit.
- Makes you feel stupid
If he is of those “I know more than you” or “I am always right”, it is better you kick his butt.
- Makes you sacrifice your dreams
Every relationship requires compromise and not sacrifice. Keep that in mind!
- Ask you to lose weight
If the things are like “let’s hit the gym together” or “let’s go jogging together”, it is fine. But if he asks you straight to eat less or go on diet or do exercise to lose weight, he is one stupid to live.
- Addicted to porn
Once in a while watching porn is fine but if it is his habit, it will make your sex life suffer.
- Makes fun of you in public
You can do whatever you want behind closed doors and criticize one another. But when in public you should be one another’s support.
- Takes you for granted
Fine you are comfortable with one another but if he is taking you for granted, remind him that you are not a given.
- Still hang out with ex
It will never make you feel good, how cool you try to act. It is better you stop him. This never works.
- Compare you with ex
This will never please you for sure plus if she was this great then why they parted their ways?
- Make you choose between you and his friend
Your friends may not be that good but still it you how has to decide it to be with them or not and not him to ask you for or to tell you.
- Call you a bitch
Sometimes in heat of the moment, some rude things just slip out of our mouths, but you need to mark a firm boundary in this and if he still calls you bitch. You better know what to do.