7 Sexy Tricks That Will Make You Amazing In Bed!
By- Shreya Sharma
Who will not wish to be good in bed and satisfy their partner? We all look for ways to spice up things in bed and make ours between the sheets session more hot and high. We try different games, positions, toys and everything to get things a notch higher. We wish to turn our man high and panting, going crazy to have more of us. Here are 7 tricks that will make you amazing in bed.
- Use your hands
Man always loves a good blow job. You can learn the techniques to give the best blowjob online or you can talk with your man and ask him what he likes and he likes it to be done. Surprise him with new techniques and ask him for the feedback. Not just blowjob, use your hands while your make-out session to make it more fun and sensational.
- Let him lust for you
Tease him throughout the day, so that he lust for you and could not wait to have you. Before leaving the house, give him a hot passionate kiss and go away or send him nudes or just tell him what you want to do to him in advance to get him high and panting. Be careful with your actions.
- Deep intimacy
Sex is about merging two people and the deeper this merging goes, the better the experience gets. Read out the books on practices about deepening the connection on both mental and physical level. Be present in the moment with your man and let them see into your soul. Try to live in silence together and see how you communicate without words.
- Make him feel like a sexy beast
Praise your man for his gestures and actions, both in the bedroom and in everyday life. Compliment him for his physic, intelligence or laughter; this will make him feel confident. The more confident he will feel, the more confident he will be with you in bed. Moans and groans and shouting his name in bed will boast his confidence and tell him how good he is in bed.
- Be curious
Be curious about lovemaking and seduction. Go online or read books to answer your curiosities. Talk with your partner about their experiences in the bedroom. Get to know more about sex, as it will make you feel confident and confidence is sexy always.
- Go down
This time your blow job need not include just hands only. Learn the tips, tricks, and techniques online to give the best blow job. If you feel insecure, practice on cucumber when you know nobody is watching.
- Go on sex vacation
Take a vacation with the motive to explore your sex life. Talk about what sex fantasies you want to live out. You might also have fantasies that you don’t want to live out. Most men fantasize about other women without having any intention of having sex with them. It’s just in their biological make up. Do all your and your man’s fantasy in this vacation to make the most out of it.
Source – Giphy