14 Things You Should Know About Your Monthly Visitor!
By- Shreya Sharma
Our monthly cycle speaks volume and we can always learn more about our periods. They are directly related to our health and bodily functions. Periods have always been a hush-hush topic, but now it is something that is studied in detail. You can completely forget about it if there are no first three days pain. We do not really think about them much or talk about them. We only think about them, when they are about to approach us. Here are 14 things you should know about your monthly visitor.
- There are various reasons that cause late in period
A late period does not always mean that you are pregnant. Stress can result in late or missed period because the part of your brain that regulates the hormone for your period is affected by stress. Certain illness too can delay your periods such as chronic diseases, thyroid, and polycystic ovary syndrome. If your miss your period, visit your doctor.
- Periods On Decline
This is nothing you should expect to hear. Women having fewer periods can be a result of your contraception methods that can stop your menstrual cycle.
- Certain food can help during your period
Comfort foods are the best way to deal with the pain and inconvenience created by your monthly visitor. There are foods that you can eat at any stage of your cycle which will benefit your body. During the third week of your cycle, your progesterone and estrogen level soar and then start to decline which makes you a little moody. Eat vitamin B, avocado, salmon and root vegetables.
- Endometriosis can cause long periods
Periods usually last for three to five or seven days. It is normal for your periods to act abnormal sometimes due to changing hormones. If your period is longer than seven days for three months, then it is a matter of concern. Endometriosis is a condition in which the tissue that grows inside the uterus starts to grow outside of it and it is painful. PCOS too can cause long period. It is better you get it checked.
- The length of your cycle says a lot about your fertility
Your menstrual cycle begins when you start bleeding and ends when you get your next period. Count the days to see how long your cycle was. The normal cycle is 21-35 days. If your cycle is shorter than your hormones might be out of control, which can affect your ovulation. Irregularities in your cycle can affect your fertility.
- Your mood swings depends on your genetic makeup
Not only period pain, moods swings too make periods worse. If you face major mood swings during periods than it can be because of your genetic makeup. Your genetic makeup determines whether you have mood swings or not. The premenstrual dysphoric disorder causes severe mood swings. Those who suffer from PDD are more sensitive sex hormone.
- Many women cannot afford to have period
Homeless women around the world cannot afford to have periods. They have to get cash for food and shelter, so, when they get their period, they cannot afford to buy tampons or cloth or sanitary napkin. For many, they steal sanitary products from stores while some use tissue papers they can pick from food joints.
- Scientists have discovered the reason for period pain
Period pain is worst. We all have our own way to deal with it. But now scientists have discovered a more effective way to deal with period pain. Period pain is a result of inflammation caused by the biomarker CRP. Anti-inflammatory agents are a better treatment for period pain.
- Your cycle affects the way your memory works
You use different memory systems at different stages of your menstrual cycle. Women in their ovulation stage are better at their verbal memory. Women in their premenstrual stage are better at virtual memory task. This is likely because of the way in which estrogen and progesterone affect different regions of the brain.
- Your menstrual cycle helps you quit smoking
There are days in your menstrual cycle that can help you quit smoking. It might be hard to quit smoking after your period up until ovulation.
- You are likely to live longer if you got your period after the age of 12
You were told in advance how and what period is, but still, it felt a little weird when you faced it. The age you got your period for the first time is linked to the length of your life span. Women who start their period later, and go through menopause later are likely to have a longer life span.
- There are over 5000 slangs for period
An international study conducted on 190 countries and various languages found that 5000 slangs are used when talking about periods. France and China use the most slang terms while talking about periods.
- The first two week of menstrual cycle are the best time to workout
Your periods make you feel bloat and you just wish to eat everything. The first two weeks of your menstrual cycle are the best time to work out. You will witness greater results in terms of muscular strength, muscle mass, and power.
- Your brain grows during your cycle
One interesting influence that your period has on your body is that the size of your brain changes throughout your menstrual cycle. It’s not certain what kind of effect this has on us and our daily lives but researchers believe that the changes in our brain might have an effect on our behavior.
Source – Giphy