16 Random Thoughts You Have When Receiving Oral!
By- Shreya Sharma
Our mind is ever wandering. Our brain just makes us multitasker. We cannot put it on a halt or ask him to shut up. And sometimes, the things go even worse when our thoughts are just far far away from what we are doing. The chances are you and your man are busy in the act between sheets and your mind will be thinking about the assignments in hand which even leads to disturbed sex life because of your brain!! When you are on the receiving oral, you are not that engaged and there are chances that your mind and eyes will wander. Here are 16 random thoughts you have when receiving oral.
1. His breaths are so hot!!
2. Weird shadow on walls or window
What? Why these child games mind?
3. Oh, his lips are so soft!!
Do, I also have that much soft lips? *checking lips*
4. The parting in the back of bae’s head
What is that called now?
5. The texture of ceiling
Oh!! The paint over there is cracking up, should we get these roof ceilings changed?
6. Why the hell are you not so flexible knees?
Cannot you bend another way?
7. Focus on bellybutton
Is this just my bellybutton that is off center?
8. And again that patch on wall
Oh god!! Even this needs to be repaired.
9. Bae’s intense looks
Why so intense?
10. This room needs some serious changes
Then there are the ideas to revamp your room.
11. And that tan line on your crotch
Oh no!! Let him just ignore it!
12. The thing you were looking for in morning
Oh hell!! There you are and I was looking pata nahi kaha kaha!
13. My arms are very awkward
Should I hold something? Or should I stretch them out? Should I place them behind my head or his head?
14. Color of bae’s face
Does he know that his face is changing colors? Is he okay?
15. The angle of pillow
Is this okay if I shift it a little bit?
16. Random hair on your hipbone
What? Why? How? I get that waxed, right? Will have to check thoroughly from next time.