11 Surefire Ways To Turn Your Crush Into Your Bae!
By- Shreya Sharma
When we have a crush on someone, it is the most beautiful and nerve-wracking feeling because we are not sure why we just love being with them? We are not sure if they too love it or not? And god forbids if our friends start teasing us, then we feel half dead with the thought if he gets to know. Neither we can tell them, nor can we resist the urge. You are sure one showstopper still sometimes your crush needs a little push. Here are 11 surefire ways to turn your crush into your bae.
- Be confident
As we always say, confidence is sexy. Wear it!! If you are comfortable with yourself, you can easily sway any conversation with your crush smoothly.
- Body language to your rescue
Your actions speak louder than your words. Lean towards your crush while talking with him, keep your chin out to show your confidence, and subtly bat your eyelashes to transmit your feelings.
- Give him the signal
As he enters the room, hold your gaze for three seconds, give him a welcoming smile and look away. It is weird and harder but it will totally give him the signal.
- Let him know that you are single but have your own schedule
While having a conversation, subtly put your point that you are single and interested. Tell him that you are happy being single as you get more time with your girlfriends. It will show that you are independent and not in a rush.
- Show interest
When you are really into someone, you can feel that spark, and it is better to show it. If you do not feel that spark, do not fool yourself and move on.
- Do not play games
Avoid sending cryptic texts and timing back your responses. Do not add any drama to the equation you have.
- Be yourself and maintain mystery
Being yourself is charming but before blurting everything about yourself, make sure he is worth knowing you. Hold some information with you and it will make him curious to know you more.
- Do fun things together
Do something fun the next time you both hang out. Go for any experience that generates excitement and butterflies, it is not only fun but also memorable. He will associate this good time and fun feeling with you.
- Do not be afraid to text
If you really like someone, it is ok to text them. Just keep calm and text him like you would text your any friend.
- Compliment him
Genuine compliments are hard to forget. Compliment his style or laugh at his jokes, but do not be fake about it.
- Get it together
Perhaps the most important way to get your crush is to get it together yourself. Figure out what you want in your bae, not what that person wants in you, and the ball will always be in your court.
Source – Giphy