
Torn Between Family And Love? Here Are Confessions By People Who Faced The Same!

By- Shreya Sharma

Loving your partner does never mean that your love for your parents have taken a back seat or you love them less. Sometimes we are in a situation that is hard for us to deal with; we can neither leave our family nor our partner. This is one stressful situation that makes us go crazy. It could be for any reason and however strong the reason is, it can never be strong than the love we have for our family and love. Here are confessions by people who are torn between family and love.

1. Bribes


2. You feel alone

you feel alone

3. Affects the relationship

affects the relationship

4. Confusion


5. Age factor

age factor

6. Hate?


7. Addiction


8. Moving out

moving out

9. Listen to heart

listen to heart

10. Love over money

love over money

11. Will never be happy again

happy again

12. Destroying your heart

destroying heart

13. Disowned


Source – Whisper.sh

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