19 Gross Things Couples Do In Private!
By- Shreya Sharma
If you are one kissing kind of person, then you might not feel kiss to be one gross act, but if you are not, then you are sure to find it as one slimy and gross act. You might think of how a person’s saliva would be covering the other person up. But those who kiss and are in the long-term relationship, never find kissing gross; in fact, they have some even more gross things to do. They are so comfortable with one another that the things that you find gross are normal to them. Here are 19 gross things couples do in private.
- Going to the bathroom with door open
The height of comfort and end of romance.
- Sharing a toothbrush
This is one disgusting thing.
- Popping each other’s pimples
Ew!! Gross!! Grossest!!
- Sniffing each other’s armpit
**eye roll**
- Wiping gunk/nose on their shirt
Is he a tissue paper?
- Brushing away the substance from nose
That’s not romantic at all.
- Looking in the other person’s ear to see if they have earwax!!
There are some who even clean them.
- Picking something out of their teeth
The faster you do it, the leas gross others will feel.
- Watching or helping the other person clip their toe
You need not monitor him; he can do it on his own.
- Checking at bump at weird places
Yes, that bump near the butt!!
- Cleaning up after period sex
Seeing your blood on your man’s junk!!
- Being their nurse when they have stomach flu
Should we put it in the gross or romantic category?
- Throwing away their dirty tissues when they have cold
How to even touch them?????
- Sharing chewing gum
And may be the other foods too.
- Helping them trim their nose hair
Ughh!! That’s just downright gross.
- Tweezing out their wandering hair
From their back, may be!
- Sharing the soap in shower
The same soap at different places.
- Letting them wipe their snot on your sleeves when they cry
Ugh!! Not happening.
- Taking the last sip from their drink
The simplest way to transfer germs.