
12 Things You Didn’t Know Makes You A Stalker!

By- Shreya Sharma

You met a guy, you kind of like him, but do you feel that your liking is turning into a crazy obsession and making you turn into a stalker? When we love someone, we usually go overboard with our affection, showcasing it every now and then. Sometimes, we do not realize that our actions can even scare the man. The last thing you want him to think of you is a stalker because sure it will not lead you into a relationship. You may not be as crazy stalker like SRK in “Darr” but sometimes your subtle actions too can give him the sign that you like him the bit too much. Here are 12 things you did not know makes you a stalker.

  1. Commenting or liking all of his Facebook posts

It is fine to friend your crush on Facebook, but it is not okay to like every single status, photo or link that he posts. For a guy, it is one significant sign that you are turning into a stalker. Show him that you have other things to do besides monitoring his feeds all day.


  1. Showing up to the places he checked into

Social media allows you to post where you are going or where you are so that your friends can join you in. Your crush may get suspicious if you arrive at every public place he checks into. You can pop at the place he is hanging out in once in a while, but do not pop always as it will diminish your value for him.

  1. Frequently visiting his home or workplace

You may need to walk or drive by his place to get where you are going, but do not do it often. If you do not get to see him, you will be wasting your time. And if he happens to notice you, then he may find you creepy.

  1. Constant texts

If you managed to give your love interests phone number. Do not make him regret his decision. Sending him ‘good morning’ and ‘good night’ will make him think that you are being creepy as usually this is something couples do, not the people who are just getting to know each other. You might be curious to know what he is doing and thus text him again and again, but he will never appreciate your constant texts.


  1. Viewing his LinkedIn profile without connecting

Mostly people with LinkedIn accounts have the setting so that another user can see when they viewed their profile. So if you happen to come across his profile and you visit it without doing or saying anything, it can make you look a little odd. He will think that why you bothered looking his profile if you do not want to connect and he might feel that you are just keeping an eye on him.

  1. Becoming a regular person at his workplace

Okay, so he told you he works at the front desk of a hotel, and you may think that it is great because you can easily have an access to him. Not so easy, because if you have never visited his place of work before, but now start showing up regularly, you will appear as a stalker.

  1. Getting close to his friends and family members

Even if your efforts are genuine, a guy may find it strange if you out of nowhere become friend with his friends and family. Sure, you might share the same taste with his friend or sister, but keep your friendship casual with them until he accepts you in his inner circle. Else he may think that you are using his friends and family to get close to him.


  1. Asking people for information about him

You both might have mutual friends, but do not use them as a source to find out more about him and his activities. They will share it with him for sure. Plus if you find out everything about him with others, you will not have much to talk about if you guys bump into each other.

  1. Unnecessary gifts

If you are not committed or it is not his birthday, it is better you not buy him gifts. Giving gifts will make the things between you a little bit awkward. It will shake him, especially if he thinks you are getting romantic and he does not see you as more than friend yet.

  1. Talking about him constantly with mutual friends

When you have the crush on someone, you generally like talking about them. But control your urge to talk about him with a mutual friend. They will share it with the guy and it will make him think that you are insane and will never think of committing to you.


  1. Asking him to hang out after few rejections

Sometimes when we really like someone, our brain is not ready to accept a ‘no’ from them. You may keep on asking a guy to hang out; even when he has told you a lot many times that he is busy and cannot hang out. Give him space, else he will think that you are desperate and will start ignoring you.

  1. Taking interest in his interests

When you want to date a guy, it is better you do not act like you have an interest in the same things as he does even though you know you hate it. Guys find it weird if you unexpectedly show up at the places he visits like his gym or book club. And moreover, if he finds out that you are not actually interested in that thing, then he will think that you are manipulative and desperate.


Source – Giphy, Tumblr

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