
12 Things Men Find Damn Romantic… Oh So Romantic!

By- Shreya Sharma

You may have heard that men do not like romance. But now there are men who admit that they like romance and they want to be wooed and pampered from time to time. For men, your gestures need to be personal to slay him with your love and affection. And if your gestures are related to the things they value, that is more impactful. Here are 12 things men find oh so romantic.

  1. Hand touch

Hold his hand while walking down the street, play footsie while seating on the couch or any physical affection in your daily activities will remind him that you love and appreciate his body. Explore his body and it will give you time to get aroused and learn more about your man.


  1. Changing your outfit

When you dress up according to his taste once in a while, it will have a big impact on him. Take him shopping with you and have him choose the outfit he would like to see you in or the lingerie he would love to see you in. he might not like the idea of shopping for longer but when he gets to choose, he feels engaged.

  1. A flirty note

Men too want to hear that they are being loved and missed. Put a note in your man’s bag or send him a text during work to say how much you are looking forward to having sex tonight. It will make his day.

  1. A guy’s night out

A guy’s night out is as important as you girls night out. Acknowledging this will make you appear more confident, independent and sexy woman. Encourage your man to have time with his friends. And you can use that time as your ‘me’ time.


  1. Switch up sex scenario

If you do it with the lights off, turn on the lights then. Change the location. Watch porn together and do anything to break your sex routine. Talk about your sexual fantasies and you might even work to make one of them come true.

  1. Have an experience together

Gift him something that makes him do some fun things. Try to give him something that you both can enjoy together as it will help you create memories. He will be happy to get out of the house with you to do fun things.

  1. Compliment him

Your man loves the compliments just as the way you want. Tell your man how you find his arms sexy or how hot you find him. These can reassure him about how he looks and he is sure going to compliment you back in any manner.


  1. Picture frames

Take a few minutes and print the pictures from your last date and it will signal him how much that memory means to you. And you both will be encouraged to make some more new memories.

  1. A night off

If he cooks the dinner, then tell him to take rest as you are ordering food. If he has the presentation to make, bring him a chilled beer to relax. These little gestures will make him feel royal.

  1. Laugh together

Laughing together will increase your level of romance. Watch a comedy show together or use your sense of humor to make him laugh. He will love your one-liners and you may end up with some inside jokes.


  1. Tell him a secret

It is important for guys to feel connected with you. It shows your trust in him and your relationship. Tell him a secret and show him your vulnerable side.

  1. Learn about his interest

Learn about something he’s super passionate about. He’ll appreciate that you’re taking an interest in a topic that’s important to him, and it can certainly fuel conversations. It may even motivate your partner to learn about one of your quirky interests, too.


Source –  Tumblr

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