15 Signs You Are In The One-Sided Relationship!
By- Shreya Sharma
Relationships can be tough and frustrating at times. When you are in a relationship, you should have the certain level of respect and love, even when things become tough. Sometimes, we meet a person, get to know them and are so smitten by them that we ignore the little voice popping in our head about if the other guy feels the same for us or not. And this is when the worst feeling comes, where you are smitten by the guy but he has no such feelings for you. Here are 15 signs you are in the one-sided relationship.
- He is never with you when you need him
When you are in a relationship, you have to show up. You have to accompany each other in family functions and office functions. But if you often find yourself alone because your man is busy and he cannot manage his time to accompany you or he has some other plans, then you are in a one-sided relationship.
- You are his second choice
If you always find yourself to be the second option for the things that you will enjoy, then you are in a one-sided relationship. True, one must not forget their friends for a relationship, but they should try to incorporate their partner into their life. If he just tells you that he is going out without even inviting you at first place, then it is a clear sign.
- You have to justify his behavior
If your loved ones do not approve of your boyfriend, it is because they know you and they want the best for you. If you have to justify his behavior to your loved ones for the times he did not show up or for all the rude comments, this shows that you know his behavior is not acceptable, yet you are accepting it and trying that it does not look bad. No, it is not fine. Stop acting that he loves you.
- He ignores the problems in relationship
Fights are an integral part of a relationship. You cannot ignore them. When you are in a serious relationship, you work on your issues. If he is not interested in addressing the problems, then it could be because he is not invested in the relationship. It is a big sign that you are in a one-sided relationship.
- You are the only one planning things
In a relationship, it takes efforts from both sides. You need to maintain balance and learn the art of compromise. But if you are the one planning everything and he has never ever put in his efforts to organize a date, then you are in a one-sided relationship.
- You have not met the people important to him
When you are invested in a relationship, you want to introduce your partner to the people who are important to you. If your partner keeps you away from the people important in his life, it might mean that he does not want to include you in his ‘real’ life. It is a sign that your relationship is one-sided.
- You feel taken for granted
When you are in a relationship, you want to make your partner feel happy. You put in your efforts to make them smile and keep them happy. But if you are trying to make your partner feel happy constantly and he is making no such efforts which are a sign that you are taken for granted and you are in a one-sided relationship.
- You spend time alone
When you are in a relationship, you still need some time alone and your personal space to live your individual life. But this does not mean that you do not love to spend the time with your partner, of course, you do. But, if you majorly spend your time alone whether at home or at social gatherings then you are in a one-sided relationship. It shows your man does not care to include you in his life.
- You feel like you are being too needy
In a relationship, both partners should make efforts and should wish to spend more of time with each other. If your find yourself feeling needy because you constantly ask your partner to spend some time with you, then it is not your fault, it is because he is not a good partner. And this shows that you are in a one-sided relationship.
- He does not acknowledge your presence in public
When in a good relationship, guys are more than happy to flaunt you as his girlfriend and show the world that he is proud to have you in his life. But if your man is unwilling to hold your hand, introduces you as his ‘friend’ and does not acknowledge your presence in public, then this is one clear sign that you are in a one-sided relationship.
- He does not know about your life
Your partner should care about you and take interest in your life and the things happening in your life. You need not tell him every gossip in detail, but he should ask you about how your presentation was and other such things. If you have to constantly remind him of the things that he should know, then this shows that he does not pay attention to you and you are in a one-sided relationship.
- He is always ready with excuses
Excuses are the easiest way to slide away from any situation. While you can accept his excuse once in a while, but if he is making excuses constantly, then you are in a one-sided relationship. If he constantly makes excuses for being late or for not showing up, it shows that he does not respect you enough to treat you as someone important to him.
- Your friends does not approve of him
When we hit the rough patch in our relationship, we often seek our friends for their advice. Your friends are not blinded by love and they can see what is happening. If you have told your friend about your relationship and they tell you that he is not good for you and he does not treat you the way you deserve to be treated, then you should listen to them because they want the best for you.
- He does not wish to change his routine for you
Relationships are all about compromise and about syncing two lifestyles and schedules. If he’s not willing to change his routine for you whatsoever, that’s a sign that the relationship is one-sided. When you’re a couple, there needs to be a certain amount of giving and take – and if he’s not willing to make a single adjustment to his schedule in order to accommodate time for the two of you, that’s not cool.
- He never puts in his efforts
To have a healthy, loving relationship, there needs to be a balance and he should put in his efforts to make you feel happy and to show his love. If he is putting in the minimum of his efforts, then you are in a one-sided relationship.