
10 Steps To Rekindle Your Love Which Is Getting Lost!

By- Shreya Sharma

The relationship is a cluster of good days and bad days. There are times when you just cannot feel happier and in love with your partner and then there are times when you question your decision about why are you with this person. To make your relationship last, you got to put in hard work and make some compromises. If you are in the stage where you feel that you have fallen out of love with your partner, instead of giving up and calling it an off, think about what went wrong in your relationship, and make the changes and do things to make it work. Here are 10 steps to rekindle your love which is getting lost.

  1. Be positive

When you feel that you have fallen out of love, it is easy to think negative and call things off. But if you want to continue things and make things work, you need to think positive. Being negative makes it difficult to look out for ways and solutions.


  1. Tell him what you need

There could be misunderstandings that are leading you to think that your relationship is not working any longer. Be honest with your partner and tell them exactly what you need to do to make your relationship work. Do not think that your man is a mind reader; clearly tell him what you want.

  1. Ask what your partner needs

The way you are allowed to tell your partner what you want, the same way your partner is allowed to say what they want. Be receptive when they share about their needs and wants instead of getting defensive or shutting the other person down. This way you will understand what went wrong and what you have to do to work with them.

  1. Make time for each other

Sometimes relationships fail when you fail to pay attention towards your partner or spending time with your partner and doing things you love. Spend time with one another; go on dates and talking with one another to keep the romance and spark alive.

romantic date

  1. Be receptive of what your partner asks you to do

Your demands may feel rational to you whereas if your man has asked you to make some changes, you may think that they are ridiculous and irrational. It is difficult to accept our faults. Be open-minded and make mutual efforts to make the relationship work.

  1. Make continuous efforts

A relationship requires continuous efforts. Being together does not make you comfortable enough to stop making efforts with each other. Make efforts to look nice and dress up when you are going on date. Make efforts to look physically attractive even after being in a relationship for a while.

  1. Talk about future

Talking about future and imagining future together and having future plans will bring you both close again. You will have a common goal to work on and you will have a clear idea about what you want and can imagine your life together.


  1. Try new things

Often the routine makes things boring and we feel we are falling out of love. Take up a new hobby, go on a trip or try something new or something you have always wanted to try. Experimenting things and trying new things will make your relationship feel fresh and fun again.

  1. Be patient and kind

Every relationship goes through rough time. Remember all the good times when you fell in love and this will make you want to work. So, be patient and kind with one another and you will get there.

  1. Be physically intimate

Make sure you show affection towards one another like holding hands, cuddling each other, kissing each other hello and goodbye. Showing affection will make you feel closer and remind you why you make such a good couple in the first place.  The more you have sex, the more intimate you will feel with your partner.


Source – Giphy

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